Super Gundown is VERY unfinished. But the core concept is playable.

KEYBOARD - 2 players 1 keyboard
space to start game and select characters
Move - WASD
Raise Weapon - B
Fire weapon - W - fires up // D- fires straight // S - fires down
Enter to select character
Move - IJKL
Raise Weapon - N
Fire Weapon - I - fires Up // J - fires straight // k - fires down

XBOX CONTROLLERS - 2 players 2 controllers.
A button - start game/select characters
Left stick - move
raise weapon - Right Trigger
Fire Weapon - Left Stick - Up - fires up // right/left - fires straight // down - fires down

*WARNING, GAME VOLUME IS HIGH, turn speakers/headphones down - it's being fixed. 


This is an idea that's been poked around with on and off. It's a 2 player arcade shoot em up where the goal is to shoot your opponent.

- 1 hit kill 
- Best of 3 rounds
- Bullets can bounce/ricochet off the walls. The premise was to make a cyberpunk  updated version of the old 70's arcade title Western Gun or "Gunfight" as it was also known. (pictured below) keeping the controls the same, but giving it a visual lift. 

Gunfight - Taito

 Super Gundown - Project Level


One thing we thought of was taking the concept a bit further and having different characters with different shooting and movement styles. some are faster at moving, some are slower and quicker at shooting, some have more ammo than others. try them out! but two of them do not have in game art assets yet. 

Here are some character bios to check out



Super Gundown 154 MB